Fungus Killer How Long Should I Take My Snail Out Of The Tank When I Put Chemicals In?

How long should I take my snail out of the tank when I put chemicals in? - fungus killer

I've got a deadly fungus in my tank yesterday. I took my snail in front of me and stopped for about 3 hours. How long should I stay away? I saw today rests on the bottom of the container and is a kind of half-closed and is not like moving. I think he is dead: (


Kylie Anne said...

Put it into a cup of your own for a day or two, to be sure. He probably died, my snail sitting in the same place for a day, I'm sure they're dead, then I hope the next time you in the tank. Nonsense. best way to check whether they have died for the feeling. if it smells rotten, they are dead. Only when I feel like an aquarium, is good. You can also collect if they drop dead, let shell muscles and they are often made. is very rough though. Try the test of smell me, because I do not see my dumping snails from the shell.

Kylie Anne said...

Put it into a cup of your own for a day or two, to be sure. He probably died, my snail sitting in the same place for a day, I'm sure they're dead, then I hope the next time you in the tank. Nonsense. best way to check whether they have died for the feeling. if it smells rotten, they are dead. Only when I feel like an aquarium, is good. You can also collect if they drop dead, let shell muscles and they are often made. is very rough though. Try the test of smell me, because I do not see my dumping snails from the shell.

Kylie Anne said...

Put it into a cup of your own for a day or two, to be sure. He probably died, my snail sitting in the same place for a day, I'm sure they're dead, then I hope the next time you in the tank. Nonsense. best way to check whether they have died for the feeling. if it smells rotten, they are dead. Only when I feel like an aquarium, is good. You can also collect if they drop dead, let shell muscles and they are often made. is very rough though. Try the test of smell me, because I do not see my dumping snails from the shell.

ROFLMFAO... said...

I would say that probably is not dead. The next time you wait a little longer, but not so shivel and begins to die. Good luck with your snail, and I hope he lives.

magicman... said...

It depends on what the killer fungus. Some of them kill snails and mushrooms. Please move a bit in a few hours, it would be wise, that he is dead.


Nightsta... said...

24 hours just to make sure

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